

Sale Price: 489.18

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Description: Experience the entire symphony of zChocolat flavors in a single stunning product. Known simply as Rainbow, it’s the only product that brings together all sixteen of our classic assortments in one place, making it an unparalleled celebration of zChocolat goodness.
Presented as two mini-boxes, Rainbow comes packaged in a pair of beautiful basswood boxes. First, explore the Chocolats box. A complete set of our famous chocolate assortments, it’s an invitation to indulge in eight different arrangements of our trademark recipes, ranging from the classic to the unexpected. After that, delve into the Douceurs box.  From our decadent Chocamandines to our playful Pépites it’s the definitive way to explore all of our signature sweets.
With Rainbow we’ve eliminated the need to settle for just a few of our flavors to enjoy. It’s the ultimate product for those seeking to immerse themselves in the very best of fine French chocolate-making.